Ladder shelf

Everybody needs one at home. No way you can get rid of it. Otherwise you can clean windows, you can’t hang pictures, you can’t remove dust…

What am I talking bout? The ladder!

The ladder, this (usually) horrible piece of metal, or wood, always dirt with some wall paint, too big to be kept in the basement (and taken out in occurrence), too big to be kept on the balcony (and stay there unnoticed), a solution was needed to have it in a quite handy place, and reasonably stored in order to be not so cumbersome, in our tiny 30 squared meters flat.

The answer came while noticing that the old dirt wooden ladder downstairs had quite big and flat abutments.

Sandpaper, red varnish, some plaster to fix the broken corners, and the ladder acquires a new look!

How to find a proper trick to have it stored in an accessible place? Hang it horizontally to you wall, and use the lower abutment as a shelf!

  • Red varnish: 8 €
  • Wood plaster: 1,8 €
  • 2 metal clamps:  5 €
  • wall plugs
    • Total cost: 15 €


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